What’s on the ballot?



Shall the school board of Independent School District No. 361 (International Falls) be authorized to issue its general obligation school building bonds in an amount not to exceed $13,950,000 to provide funds for the acquisition and betterment of school sites and facilities, including the construction and installation of heating and ventilation upgrades to the Falls High School site and facility;  the construction and equipping of a new Career and Technical Education classroom addition; repairs and safety upgrades to the swimming pool HVAC systems; the installation of data cabling upgrades and wireless access points; the acquisition and installation of lighting improvements; the construction of upgrades to the Falls High School façade and building envelope; the construction and equipping of a secure entry and new main office addition at the Falls Elementary School; renovations and improvements to convert the existing elementary office into STEM and special education classroom spaces; remodeling and updates to pre-kindergarten classrooms  to provide occupational/physical therapy and early childhood special education spaces?

(Contingent on passage of Question #1)

If School District Question 1 is approved, shall the school board of Independent School District No. 361 (International Falls) also be authorized to issue its general obligation school building bonds in an amount not to exceed $4,480,000 to provide funds for the acquisition and betterment of school sites and facilities, including  the construction and equipping of a new addition to the Bronco Ice Arena to provide varsity and junior varsity locker rooms and storage spaces; and the construction of various improvements to the football stadium including repairs, renovations and upgrades to the electrical infrastructure, locker rooms, façade and building envelope?

How can I vote?


  • Absentee Ballots can be requested online at mnvotes.sos.mn.gov and will be mailed out beginning June 28, 2024.

  • Early, In-Person Voting is available from June 28 through August 12, 2024 at the County Auditor’s Office located at 715 4th Street, International Falls, MN 56649.


Click here and enter your address to determine your polling location.

  • International Falls Center Ward - Bob Walls Memorial Union Hall Center 509 3rd St, International Falls City, MN 56649

  • International Falls West Ward - St. Thomas Aquinas Hall West
    810 5th St, International Falls City, MN 56649

  • International Falls East - Evangelical Covenant Church Gym
    1631 1st Ave E, International Falls, MN 56649

  • Koochiching Poll 4 - St. Thomas Aquinas Hall KP4
    810 5th St, International Falls City, MN 56649

  • Koochiching Poll 5 - Rainy River Community College
    1501 Highway 71, International Falls City, MN 56649

  • Koochiching Poll 1 - Ranier Community Building KP1
    2099 Spruce St, Ranier City, MN 56668

  • Koochiching Poll 2 - Bob Walls Memorial Union Hall KP2
    509 3rd St, International Falls City, MN 56649

  • Central Koochiching 0180 | Mail-Only Ballot Precinct

  • Southeast Koochiching 0190 | Mail-Only Ballot Precinct