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High School:

  • Steam to Hot Water Conversion for Heating Systems, Recommission remaining Heating and Ventilation Systems

  • Replace Pool Air Handling Units and add Dehumidification

  • Sanitary Sewer upgrades to part of buildings

  • Kitchen Upgrade

  • LED Lighting Upgrades

  • Data Cabling/Wireless Access Point Replacements

  • Exterior Façade (incl. Seal Window Joints & Tuckpointing)

  • Update Restrooms

Elementary School:

  • Recommissioning of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems

  • Kitchen Upgrade

  • LED Lighting Upgrades

  • Data Cabling/Wireless Access Point Replacements

  • Exterior Façade (incl. Seal Window Joints & Tuckpointing)

  • Update Restrooms

  • Playground Expansion

  • ADA Accessibility Improvements

Elementary School:

  • Safe and Secure Entrance & Main Office Addition to including enhanced safety measures, such as controlled access systems and surveillance cameras

High School:

  • Career Tech Ed – High Bay Project Area & Business/CAD Lab

  • Commons and Senior Work Area Expansions

Elementary School:

  • Specialized Classrooms for STEM & STEAM for hands-on learning

  • Preschool Classroom Wall Enhancements

  • Right-sized Special Education Rooms


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Ice Arena:

  • Locker room addition at Ice Arena for hockey, baseball, softball and football use

Football Field:

  • Repair and update 1930s mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems in stadium bathrooms and locker rooms to extend the life of the building