Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our schools are structurally sound; however, Falls High School building is 60+ years old and the Elementary building is nearing 60 years old. Our facility needs are not going away, and our District’s annual operating budget does not cover all the priority repairs needed to keep our buildings well-maintained and prevent costly emergency repairs. Additionally, both need to keep up with modern learning environments and should be considered for some remodels and small additions.

    The process has included assessing our facilities, working with staff, and engaging with the International Falls community. Since February of 2021, the District has:

    • Developed a community-based strategic plan

    • Completed an independent assessment of our facilities

    • Surveyed staff on day-to-day facility challenges

    • Engaged a Facility Task Force for input on potential solutions

    • Sought feedback from our communities through building tours and surveys to determine what solutions would be supported

    • Decided, with school board approval, to seek voter approval for funding to address the priority needs in our facilities

  • Falls High School was originally built over 60 years ago and has not had any major work completed since then. Our elementary school had indoor air quality work completed through funding provided by the State of Minnesota however, our other facilities need attention too.

    A facility condition assessment, conducted by an independent firm, found all of our facilities have outdated systems for heating and cooling, electrical, lighting and other critical infrastructure needs. Classroom instruction has also changed since our schools were built and our facilities do not meet today’s educational standards.

    Additionally, Minnesota education funding does not cover the cost of large capital renewal projects. Unlike other public entities, school districts must seek approval from local taxpayers for large renovation, modernization or expansion projects -- which are typically needed every 20 to 30 years.

  • Investments are needed in Career and Technical Education, Special Education and our 1960’s classrooms

    • Needs will not go away and delaying them will cost more

    • Prevent emergency repairs that disrupt learning

    • Meet the changing needs of learning that have shifted from traditional memorization-based methods to more flexible and technology-driven approaches

  • Our buildings were built to last and we have a great maintenance team who continue to find ways to keep things going. However, there are capital intensive upgrades that cannot be done due to lack of funding.

    Like our homes and other community spaces, our schools age. Over time systems become inefficient and learning spaces become worn and outdated – even with great maintenance. From the original building through additions over the years, the timing and extent of needs varies due to age and use. Some of the spaces haven’t been updated since Falls High School was originally built in the early 1960s.

    We are lucky that the buildings can still be improved in a way that will set them up for another 20-30 years and initiatives, through this plan, will replace old and inefficient systems. These improvements will increase the overall appeal of our buildings and decrease our operating costs.

  • The facility assessment is a comprehensive list of facility improvements needed to extend the life of our facilities. The list below captures the significant needs that would be addressed if the August 2024 referendum is approved:


    Complete lighting fixture replacement at the schools with new LED style fixtures to improve users experience and reduce operating costs and increase efficiency.

    Replace outdated data cabling throughout the schools with updated CAT-6a type for improved technology functionality and ultimately curriculum usage.

    Card access system replacement with added door reader locations for improved safety in both schools.


    Commons and Senior Work Area Expansions: Students will have dedicated areas that promote collaboration, group work, and interactive learning, fostering teamwork and critical thinking skills particularly in the Commons and Senior Work Area expansions.

    Career Tech Ed Expanded construction lab spaces allows for more student projects. This provides more space in the shop areas, which allows for expanded curriculum and safer work areas.

    Added Gender Neutral Restrooms: expanding options for restroom facilities, providing more comfort and security during school operations.

    Welding Exhaust Replacement: Students will benefit from a healthier environment with proper ventilation, air filtration, and maintenance, reducing the risk of respiratory issues.

    Improved Thermal Comfort: Upgraded heating, controls, and insulation systems will create a comfortable learning environment throughout the classroom area, optimizing student focus and productivity.

    Improved Pool Comfort: Replace AHU serving the pool area and add dehumidification to control moisture in the building and extend the life of the building structure.

    Update Kitchen Equipment: Provide new serving counters, cooking equipment, and dishwasher to expand food service options and improve health and safety.


    Safe and Secure Entrance & Main Office Addition: Students will benefit from enhanced safety measures, such as controlled access systems and surveillance cameras, creating a secure environment for learning.

    Right-sized Special Education Rooms: Students with special needs will have appropriately sized and equipped rooms that support their learning requirements and individualized education plans.

    Improved Pre-Kindergarten Rooms: Right-sized rooms that offer proper space for an enhanced and growing curriculum.

    ADA accessibility: Provide elevator to 2nd floor, which currently does not have accessible access.

    STEM/STEAM Classroom: Specialized classrooms equipped with the latest technology and resources will offer students hands-on experiences in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.

    Playground Expansion: New playground and safe equipment for proper supervision of students during the day and added usage by the community after hours.


    Locker Room Addition: Enhance the athletics programs and provide more flexibility in the arena for existing undersized locker rooms. Adding more options for growing female sports both in the arena with access to the adjacent outdoor athletic fields.


    Locker Room Update: Repair and update 1930s mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems in stadium bathrooms and locker rooms to extend the life of the building

    Visit the PLAN page of this website for plan details by school.

  • Investing in our schools is investing in our community. Public education impacts everyone, whether or not they have children in school. It results in opportunities for better careers, higher incomes, and better property values.

    An approved referendum will extend the life of our schools and continue providing quality teaching and learning environments that attract and retain students, staff, and families.

    Shall the school board of Independent School District No. 361 (International Falls) be authorized to issue its general obligation school building bonds in an amount not to exceed $13,950,000 to provide funds for the acquisition and betterment of school sites and facilities, including the construction and installation of heating and ventilation upgrades to the Falls High School site and facility; the construction and equipping of a new Career and Technical Education classroom addition; repairs and safety upgrades to the swimming pool HVAC systems; the installation of data cabling upgrades and wireless access points; the acquisition and installation of lighting improvements; the construction of upgrades to the Falls High School façade and building envelope; the construction and equipping of a secure entry and new main office addition at the Falls Elementary School; renovations and improvements to convert the existing elementary office into STEM and special education classroom spaces;; remodeling and updates to pre-kindergarten classrooms to provide occupational/physical therapy and early childhood special education spaces?



    If School District Question 1 is approved, shall the school board of Independent School District No. 361 (International Falls) also be authorized to issue its general obligation school building bonds in an amount not to exceed $4,480,000 to provide funds for the acquisition and betterment of school sites and facilities, including the construction and equipping of a new addition to the Bronco Ice Arena to provide varsity and junior varsity locker rooms and storage spaces; and the construction of various improvements to the football stadium including repairs, renovations and upgrades to the electrical infrastructure, locker rooms, façade and building envelope?


  • The Community Facility Task Force believed that offering a greater choice through two questions versus just one would be better received by our community.

  • If approved by our community, the total cost is $18,430,000. Question #1 is $13.95M and focuses on the improvements at the elementary and high school. Question #2 is $4.48M and focuses on improvements at the ice arena and football stadium locker rooms.

  • Although we fix what we can through our operating budget, the needs are compounding and overdue. If the referendum is not approved, our School Board will continue reviewing options to address the identified needs since they cannot be addressed within the operating budget. Since interest rates and construction costs are increasing, delaying projects would likely increase costs between 5% and 8% each year.

  • No. The plans are CONCEPTS ONLY, but for budgeting purposes the plans are based on input from our staff, community task force on facilities and school board. If the referendum is approved, a District design committee will be formed to collaborate with consultants on the final design.

  • While the School Board is responsible for approving all expenditures, management will be completed by our selected construction management firm, oversight of the construction services will be provided by the administration and all construction work will be competitively bid per Minnesota Municipal Contracting Law.

  • If the referendum is approved, design work would begin in September 2024 with bidding to follow in early Spring 2025. Construction would begin in Summer 2025, with expected completion in Winter of 2026.

    Note: Timeline is an estimate.

    • Early in-person voting begins Friday June 28, 2024

    • Vote on August 13th at your local polling place from 7 am to 8 pm

    Visit the VOTING INFO PAGE for polling locations and ballot language.

  • The International Falls School District’s facilities are well maintained, but are limited on the availability of funding as less than 2% of any district’s income can be budgeted for maintenance in a given year (many times less…). 

    This means large capital expenses like heating, indoor air quality and building repairs are put on hold (deferred) until a means to pay for that work is identified. 

    This is similar to how a family pays for a new furnace or roof.  Sometimes you have savings and sometimes a loan is needed.  In the case of a school district, savings are limited as a public entity is not able to sit on taxpayer money.

  • Every property owner within the International Falls School District would contribute to paying for the needed improvements.  If you are uncertain if you live within the International Falls School District, please contact the school district office.